Link Source: MUTCD website
Decker Supply Co., Inc. is proud to announce that Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB's) are approved for use in the State of Wisconsin!
In December of 2017, the FHWA had terminated the Interim Approval for optional use of the RRFB's, due to current and pending patents (at that time). However, in March 2018, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) reversed its decision and reinstated the RRFB as an approved option in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The reason for the reversal was Carmanah Technologies Corporation purchased and disclaimed all patents restricting rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB's). Carmanah purchased all patents with the sole purpose of disclaiming them, a move that propels the RRFB into the public domain.
In March 2018, Wisconsin DOT requested approval to use RRFB's on a blanket basis throughout the state, at uncontrolled marked crosswalks. Last month, that request was approved, as long as the RRFBs are installed under the technical conditions contained in the FHWA IA-21 memo;
Decker Supply Co., Inc. has a few different Carmanah RRFB Systems to choose from (models SC315® and R920®). The RRFB systems that we have to offer are extremely easy to install and operate. Additionally, they also offer a few different mounting options, depending upon the type of pole that you are using. Please contact us to perform a site analysis, which will determine the best site of system to use at your specific location.
Decker Supply Co., Inc. is a manufacture of Traffic Signs, and supplier of other Traffic Safety related products (Cones, Barricades, Message/Arrow Boards, Pedestrian Safety, etc…).”