RRFB'S - Approved for use in Wisconsin

Link Source: MUTCD website
Decker Supply Co., Inc. is proud to announce that Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB's) are approved for use in the State of Wisconsin!
Link Source: MUTCD website
Decker Supply Co., Inc. is proud to announce that Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB's) are approved for use in the State of Wisconsin!
Source: Carmanah Traffic Article
"On December 21, 2017, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) terminated the Interim Approval for Optional Use of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (IA-11). The FHWA’s position, as stated in their termination announcement, is that the RRFB is subject to current and pending patents and, as such, may not be included in the MUTCD or any interim approval. If you have not yet read the notice, it can be viewed on the following link:
Radar Speed Signs, or also known as Driver Feedback Signs, are designed to slow speeders down by alerting them of their speed through a digital display board. Ultimately, the use of Radar Speed Signs makes the roads safer for pedestrians and drivers. Due to their effectiveness as a Traffic Calming Device, they are being used across the country and the world. There have been tests performed that consistently show that Speeders will reduce their speed the majority of the time, and overall compliance with the posted speed limit will increase.
Decker Supply Co., Inc. understands the importance of Pedestrian Safety. This is proven by the variety of Pedestrian Safety products that we have to offer. Whether it be traditional Pedestrian Signs, In Street Crosswalk Markers, School Zone Beacons, LED Flashing Signs, or Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s).